Monday 31 August 2009

Working with Manchester LGF

Sandwiched betwen the ITV filming for 'Funniest Things', this weekend we made a fast turnaround video for the LGF charity at Manchester Pride.

With support from singer Lily Allen, groups have been given encouragement to use a song with a very powerful, if somewhat blunt message, and involve as many people as possible.

The film is below, but be warned the song does featire expletives. Lots of them!

LGF explain the video in more detail here.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Holding Attention!

Youtube has an amazing feature where you can check how much attention a video is getting from viewers. Basically if most people switch off the film near the start then this would show as a big drop in attention levels.

A recent film I did with Red Roof Estates is holding attention very well. By using a few devices we use in broadcast TV you can keep the viewer engaged right until the end- a screen grab is below.

To check out the film just click here, and if you have a Youtube account with your own videos then see the Hotspots by going to 'My Account', then 'Insight', then select the 'Hotpsot' on the video details.

Monday 24 August 2009

Another episode of 'Funniest Things' filmed.

I got back last night from filming the third episode of the current 'Funniest Things' series. This one was at Hever Castle in Kent, and this time luckily the weather was on our side which is a good job really as the entire show was done outside!

Everyone was fantastic, from the staff at the castle, the Mid Sussex band, the jousters, the crowd visiting the castle and grounds, and of course the crew.

On Wednesday its off to Germany to film at Europa Park, back on Saturday to film at Manchester Pride, then off to Tenerife to film the final two shows at Loro Parque and Siam Park.

Friday 21 August 2009

Filming Animals in the Isle of Man

Yesterday I got back from filming the second episode of the current series of 'Funniest Things' for ITV1. Various themes make up the series, this one being animals.

In the past three days I've experienced everything from waving dead chicks at an owl to make it 'smile' at the camera, wiped emu muck off cables, seen grey seals and basking sharks, been mauled by a huge wet dog and a deep scratch from a manx cat that even my own pussy's have been concerned about.

The weather was some of the worst conditions I've tried to film in, but with an excellent production team from ITV, probably one of the best tv crews in the north west (Jarrod, Tom and Matt) and a very talented presenter (Stephen) we all took on the elements as a team and the final result should be an entertaining and funny show.

The Isle of Man tourist board were indredibly supportive, and Cregneash working village were a huge help when the rain came.

The next location is Hever Castle which is a fantastic setting but also poses new problems- one being filming in the height of the holiday season at a very popular venue, so I suspect large crowds watching us film every link!